Woes Expansion

1 month ago

So what's going on with Woes Expansion?

You might have noticed it's been nearly 4 months since I made a post here. Here's the rundown;

Nearing the end of May new windows for my house arrived so I was moved into another room for a few days, maybe a week while they were installed and my room repainted. Once that finished I thought we were done but no, my parents decided they didn't like the current kitchen so they had the whole thing demolished and rebuild it from the ground up. They said it would be "a few weeks" but as you can tell they meant a few months.

You may not know this about me but I can't concentrate/function when there's stuff like renovations are going on. Also I was changing medications while that was going on and my anxiety wasn't doing so great.

So Woes was on hold and no development was done since May 29/30. But now I've got new windows and a brand new kitchen and am now (mostly) ready to begin again.

There isn't much left to do with Woes assuming my PC hasn't died or Microsoft did a massive oops, so will release soon-ish-ish. In the midst of doing battle animations for the party members last I left off.




Next up

Not sure if this'll release this year or early next. But there shouldn't be much left to do.

Back on mah PC after a 32 day break.

And looks like I'll be waiting for awhile

Here's to 2024

Who's the spunkwagon that took my goddamn hands?!

Die flower

"Welcome to Creep City"

4 Baldi OCs and how they would function.

Done with the sprites for party members.

Building before I wreck it

One small itty bitty thing to keep in mind when making a FNAF game is how well the player can actually see the camera feed.