Quadratic Attack 3D
8 years ago

So... what's next?

I bet that those of you who are following the game are now curious: What’s next? What stage could I possibly be making next? Well, given the order I made the bosses in the original game, next up should be the Flame Quadratic. After that comes the Explosive Quadratic, and then the final stage. The game is nearly half-way complete, and this time, ideally I won’t go on a super-long development hiatus between stages this time!

Given how I finished the last room of the stage and the boss battle in a few hours rather than a few days, if I were to actually put enough effort into it, I think I could have a new stage or two or three out in the next few weeks or the next month or two. That being said, making this game is not the only thing I plan on spending the next few weeks doing (I need to eat and sleep, for starters), so it will likely take a bit longer than that. But who knows? Maybe the next stage in particular will be out in a few days, given what I have planned for it! ;)



Next up


Oh, did you think this was dead...?

...nah, but it was on hiatus.

I can't promise any kind of release date on anything here. Just can say I'm trying to get some more progress done now. Might actually release this update some day... maybe...

Currently trying to make the out of bounds areas in the upcoming (and eventual, please have a bit of patience, this may take a while) update look a bit cooler via unusual skyboxes and using a fade to transparency instead of a fade to black for fog.

Preview of the final stage

The hiatus ends...

A quick update: Ice Quadratic Stage started

A first glimpse of the new stage

The old camera angle for comparison

I adjustified the camera angle. Have a look!