3 days ago

So yeah, this happened over my X account, and I just wanted to clarify that I'm not related to such account or community, I dislike my art being used in AI or NFTs, posted this so when something happens in the future, you know the truth!




Next up

Felt that the last instance of Dimson wasn't cool, so I REDID HIM! WOOOOOOOO!!!

- #OppositeAlternateUniverse #TheExclusive1

"Irregular show" ~ Where nothing can be expected!

Have some characters from "Regular show" in the Opp-Alt-Universe!

Artist: @TheExclusive1



[check the main OAU acc on X: https://twitter.com/OppAltUniverse]

I really dunno what this is... ourplman bluman reman blman oraman german

Final destination ~ A man's successful last stand before taking off.

->an "(Engine man)" -[Alt-Universe Henry Emily]- high effort render!!

- #TheExclusive1 #ANAF #AltSweep #FNaF

Guys... I think I'm getting fired...

Your character in the upcoming post-like game [Name them] -Drop down name suggestions that shall stick with the character forever until a further notice.

-The name must be ok, not a goofy or a broken name, most likes gets the name


"Later that night..." -Midnight motorist pixel art.


-Thanks for liking!

[See the second version: https://twitter.com/TheExclusive1/status/1782395891942379766]

#FNAF #pixelart #TheExclusive1 #artwork #fanart

Today I'll be Open For QNA! -Go On Lemme give you an answer for your questions!

Get back to work or you're fired! [a Benson D. Pixel art].

-> Thanks for liking!

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheExclusive1

#Pixelart #TheExclusive1 #Regularshow