This is the office lit up entirely while being edited.
These are empties being used to hold the logic for the character's AI and also things like what vent is sealed, what camera is currently active and all that good stuff. You can see a bit of Murray's logic bricks and properties as well.
These are all of the camera views, character locations, tape locations and stuff like that. A majority of them are invisible until activated.
This is the main menu. You can see the tape screen to the left and the night select screen on the right.
This is Night 5's ending cutscene lit up. All of those yellow lines are keyframes for Greg's movements.
(Thank you for giving Mark his head back, Greg. Very kind of you)
All of this logic is just to have it save your progress and know what is unlocked and all that.
This is the camera monitor HUD. Nothing too fancy.
This is Tape 6, proving that no, I don't know how to use video files in Blender's game engine, but I do know some interesting workarounds. These were fun to make.
This is, erm, the, loading screen. *cough*
I fixed this in the new update.
This is the main night gameplay's area just zoomed out. All those empties on the upper left side of the room are all for the tapes with their random locations they can have.
This is the background scene used for the main menu. Looks kind of funky.
my name jeff.