-who the hell I even am?
Name's ThatAncient2, Ancient, or Nebulan, as some people still call me by my old Discord/PS4 username. I am a multi-community gamer, content maker and project manager, currently in ownership of about 5 main projects or so. Otherwise, I'm a lore writer, and a collaborator and an artist in the Realm-Verse series team. The Realm-Verse is a multi-media project owned by my 'friend' Cylexic947. I'm a Hungarian person who has diabetes and I suffer from asperger's syndrome, aka autism.
-where have I been between September and December 2022?
Questioning my life decisions, and being blind on my right eye. And of course drawing things and making better lore. Also, in school ofc.
-when was Act III of Ancient's lore made?
Two months time gap from October-December 2022 where I didn't really feel like collabbing. I had a small story running on the COTV Discord server, which was later on discontinued. Act III ended by the time my main Discord server received its own lore, which is, I must admit, still unfinished, and won't be finished until the end of part 2 and Battlerealm, which will have its own Discord server.
-what happened that made me return in January 2023?
When I dug in the files of my PC, I found a two years old unfinished folder titled 'WIP'. It was the initial version of the current 'Lost Worlds: Survival' modpack for Minecraft. That was at the end of December. Nonetheless, I decided to finish it, and LW Survival saw its release on January 3rd 2023, still available on CurseForge and past 200 downloads already. That move settled my half-absent state.
Sadly, I found out 5 days afterwards that I had diabetes, pushing me into yet another time gap of being unsure. Then 21 days later, I started playing Destiny 2.
-until summer from January 2023
I stabilized a lot, reunited with past friends, and restarted stories long gone. I also met a new group of strange friends, with whom we became best buddies. With the sudden uprise of LW Survival and my evolving art skill, I started working on a game called Shadowfall, which is still an early dev demo. On March 15th, I went on a skiing trip to Bosnia, during which, Cylexic asked me if I wanted to collab with the Realm-Verse, using my canon of Corruption. I said yes. Then one day before my 16th birthday, I released the prequel to LW Survival, the Legacy version of the modpack. Then on May 6th, I turned 16 and received my graphic tablet. However, on May 12th, another panic attack came. My dog, Shadow, nearly killed himself by eating a piece of a rope. Thankfully, he lived his second birthday, and he is all fine by now. After the setback to normality, I released the second and final update to LW Legacy, titled version 2.1. Nothing else happened much.
-the summer absence
I was absent due to camps and other things. I found my way into two camps, making stories and of course playing a guitar sitting by a campfire. Things were looking good until we went to Croatia with my 'sister', since due to my diabetes and the fact that they don't sell sugar free food in Croatia, I was doomed to eat sandwiches all day. I survived ten days, nonetheless. And Corruption Lore thankfully didn't become real like it did last time in Montenegro. Then I had my second camp after returning home, starting five days after returning from abroad. I met up an old friend of mine from my old school, known as Botondcraft on my main Discord server, and we revived the Legacy II story 'Two Of A Matter'. That was fun times. The camp lasted for 6 days, and I finally made a decent comic, which is progress. I also learnt some archery, after having bought my own archery kit, aswell as some saber duel and its rules. Unfortunately Team Red ended up being the sixth place, but hey, at least we had a fun week in camp, and I reunited with a long lost friend of mine. From August 5th to the end of August, I have decided to somewhen quit the UTC (Undertale community) and turned to work on projects before school begun.
-from end of August until now, November 3rd 2023
A lot happened. School begun, my depression came back, and I evolved in drawing, a lot over the months. Shadowfall gained its current progress and four more characters, which is a lot, and LW Survival receintly passed 200 downloads, which is weird for me. As one of my old friends from the Grounded Discord server stated, it is recognition, though the price I had to pay was great. I thankfully ruined no friendships so far in this year, and gained a way better point of view than my old cringy self. My evolution became apparent, and my nature stopped changing every day from one to another, though I may still end up waking up and wanting to see the world burn. Life is unfair, and that happens when one lives with the worse end of their family.
-my plans for the future
Two years left from my secondary school. I'm planning on finishing Shadowfall, and finishing Ancient's lore a way that they get their revenge, hopefully in the coming Act IV that I should be releasing next year. With the first anniversary of LW around the corner, the modpack will receive the original beta draft version of the Quested modpack, with the world made for the first two Chapters. Then, I'm moving on. After secondary school, I'm planning on moving abroad to university, probably to an art school somewhere. University will mean more absences due to studies, and less lore and development progress on my projects. But know that I don't forget easily, and I will always be the Ancient you once knew, be it now or even before.
That's... it for now. A lot to take in, and the next lot will be the year review at the end of 2023.
For those that I offended or failed by my mood swings, I am utterly sorry and I didn't want it that way. My family background is rough, and it is the reason for my odd behavior at times. Please, understand me, living with only my father, who is a madman, and the fact that I have asperger's syndrome, is hard.
If you want to talk to me about something, please contact me on Discord, my username is thatancient2.
Alternatively, you can join my main Discord server, which is https://discord.gg/eQ62G8TGZ5
Until next time.
Some catchup for those who are left behind on stuff
Next up
I recently drew these two
Chad Malefactor and silly Bronze Locust
The two different types of shrimp
Screenshot taken and cropped from a chat with a fellow member of my school's choir in Messenger
Progress with the sketch
Scene 4 is how the Forestborn died prior to the comic's start, the character behind the killing blow won't be revealed and isn't canon to Undying at all other than the death. It's none of the characters in my lores, too.
Made more progress with the fifth scene.
He was not seen without the Malefactor Whitewood Mask before.
The comic's first page is being worked on, rough sketch state
There isn't much to it, just two traditional art scenes left unfinished
Scene 6- art based on the Malefactor class introduction, "Terrible things are done at the heart of despair. She is gone, but you remain."
How I imagined Bearfirth from Story Excerpt-The Morning. The original Malefactor.
Work-in-progress ref sheet for the Forestborn
Really interesting character in his own way.
Still cooking...
And the full page progress. Not much improved on scene 4, will make it sometime later.
Working on a lil something (Colonial Marine cosplay from Aliens, making my own OC's armor)
Armor decals based on the ones in Aliens Fireteam Elite