23 hours ago

Some Finnish swear words in here



Next up

TNC Kerbal model WIP 1. Yes I know about the inaccuracies but Don't forget. This is my version of Kerbals for the Those Nights Continuity

Something Something Go follow Five Nights at Jebediah's: Reimagined for more Five Nights at Jebediah's: Reimagined stuff

I have 12² followers rn

So yeah. Phone call WIP

TNC Freddy Model next to FNaJ: Reimagined Jebediah

More TNC Kerbal WIP

TNC kerbal models WIP (I tried my best)

Some memes found on r/kspmemes that used an image of my TNC kerbal model

Only 59 followers away from 200!

Just some Phone call WIP. Feedback would be great!