Golden Light - Old Demo

4 years ago

Some new screenshots from upcoming update

You can get it here:




Next up

We updated Golden Light quite a bit in a last few weeks Here is a little devlog post

Guess what I do now

I made a huge amount of work for a last week optimizing the game. Here is a few new screenshots of the new update. Also be sure to join our Discord server!

Guess who's the monster here?

Huge update!

We updated the demo with many improvements and content from the full game!

Full game updates regularly on Steam here:

Build 24:


- Second MrPress now contains his balls;

- MECHs overheat ability fixed;

- Materials fixes;

- Mouse sensitivity fix;

- Auto Fire toggle with Z key;

I released a new game! Mech Punk is a 360° FPS Bullet Hell with a giant W.A.I.F.U and upgrades.

It's like 3 weeks old rn, the game's still in development but it's already so fricking fun I just can't keep it for myself any longer

I released a new game! Mech Punk is a 360° FPS Bullet Hell with a giant W.A.I.F.U and upgrades.

It's like 3 weeks old rn, the game's still in development but it's already so fricking fun I just can't keep it for myself much longer

New 06.21 update is up!

* Weapons eating

* Quests for some NPCs

* Difficulty levels

Many fixes

Mech Punk Build 22:

- Overheat is reworked a bit. It now won't go up if you're continuing shooting with overheated weapon set;

- New different Mechs to buy;

- New buildings visuals;