Missing at Fredbear's

4 years ago

Some new teasers for 300+ followers!

I just wanted to share some teasers and progress for the game in celebration for hitting the 300 follower milestone!

Since the last update I posted on the game's progress (about 2 weeks), I have made some very good and significant work on the game!

There are still many things that need to be polished up, and new ideas that need to be tested, but if all goes accordingly, then you could potentially see the game releasing in early-mid February, or even late January at the earliest. However, I will probably continue development into February in order to end up with the most polished result.

For now though, I hope you enjoy these teasers and quick update on the game's progress. Continue to expect more of these for each new milestone we reach leading up to the release.

Thank you all again for your support. (Oh, and even though I'm a bit late to mention it, Happy New Year).



Next up

New Teasers!

The game is now out!

Welcome to Those Halloween Nights!

Please make sure to read the post for more information!


Teasers for my new project!

(And of course another status update).

More information coming soon...

An update! (Not an actual release though).

Gameplay Teaser #1

Thank you all for 200+ Followers!

Some new teasers for 400+ followers!

700+ Followers!