Henry's Custom Night

2 days ago

Some of the character skins



Next up

Yes i redid the office

Also who's missing here?

Welp Henry's Classic Mode is basically 95% done

So expect it to release on Saturday

Still have one character left to make

Bryan Evermore

Ralph (Jayden) Palsin

Xya Artimara

Uzi Skaletskin

Everold Botmore

Captain B Nights cast


Bryan Evermore

C.B.N is a small game that I made about me and my friends so yeah

Like the Henry's Series I MIGHT remake the games and make the game come back as a custom night

Title Screen

Still a W.I.P

Henry's CN 2 won't be made for AWHILE so....

Let's rewind back to 2020...

Still a W.I.P

Take Your time, you're in for a ride

Some Shit with Vincent & Sara

The Clock is Ticking