First of all, A-60 like entities. Let's call them nextbots.
Nextbots are the main type of entities in horrors like these, and it's not something bad. They can actually keep player a bit tensed up (especially A-200 in og rooms), but usually you hide from them in lockers or just standart wardrobes. Sometimes you can just stay out of their way. (Mostly seen in Grace.)
Eyes-like entities.
They are EVERYWHERE. That's the second of the most overused types of monsters. Most of them aren't even trying to make you look at them except a certain green shark goirl. Yeah, they have a sub-type that requires you to look at them, but these are rare.
Entities that you need to run away from.
The most known of them is Seek, obviously. But we can also bring here Bouncers, Skelepede, Candlebearers, and Bottomfeeder up. Yes, I count Candlebearers as the entities you need to run away from. They aren't that hard, but I still hate Bottomfeeder. Also, mostly seen in the modern rooms-like horrors... except Grace. There you just run.