Cube Attacks OLD (Finally fixed the name of the game)

2 years ago

some other things



Next up

as to the fact that i don't have money for a white board i use a virtual one then lol

Who needs windows 11 and their centered task bar when i can do this on windows 7

Changed the shooting sound

each gun will now have its own shooting sound

and it's no those beep sounds anymore

and yes frame rate and fps again

after some code stealing- i mean working i got some smooth camera working on/ depois de roubar alguns códigos- quero dizer trabalhar neles conseguir uma câmera bem sutil


after 1 week of suffering with world 2 and the boss fight for it i p ranked and completed all the chef tasks for world 2

"No Release date yet....."

imagine having to rework the whole level collision system cause a bug ruined it all

Double HandGun And Revolver Reload