Mark was going to be seen much more in the game through cutscenes at the end of each night, along with another character who was his sister, Wendy. She was cut from the story entirely, and at the moment there's no plans for her to return as things are going differently from this point on. I may share some renders of her model if people would like to see her. She might return in some way or another, but we'll wait and see.

I wanted human characters to be more important in the game because I wanted to try something a little different. The cutscenes were going to be fully animated and would have required a ton of work, but would have explained a bit more and shown more of Mark's character. I decided to cut them to keep the story of the first game more obscure, and save the more storytelling aspect for when I can be more prepared for it with proper plans and other things.

The human models aren't perfect, and even to me took some time to get used to. While they could look much better, I think they have a charm, and I still like them in their own ways. I wasn't aiming for realism anyway, so the stylized look turned out okay and fits in decently. They are less detailed than the animatronics, but to me it makes the humans look more innocent and the animatronics more detailed and creepier. Of course, these are my first true attempt at making more detailed human models, and my first attempt to make expressive models, and I think for a first try it was pretty good out of my four years of experience using Blender!

Will there be more humans later on? Yes, only a few, but there will be more. I really enjoyed working on everything for this game, even if it was a pain to do sometimes, it all paid off really good in the end, though it would've paid off more if I didn't cut out a few cool things. There's always the future though!

Also here's a bonus of the three kiddos. From left to right there's Jackie, Timmy, and David. Yes, David looks straight out of Little Nightmares, but I love that game so much too, so I couldn't resist putting a tiny reference in there!
I hope you liked these bonus renders!