Fnan: the thing was canceled by @FatimaOfficial oh so the jump scares are really coming soon tonight but the first thing is the Easter egg the golden one or maybe called the blue one or something
Fnan 2: the six puppet wakes up she will jump scare you but there's only dang the paper pals was a first dose it was an Easter egg by the before if you click on the paper pals it's gone
Fnan 3: there is a door Easter egg when you shut down the left door not the vent this thing it looks familiar than the fnatas and jolly
Fnan 4: the nightmares are in here to jump scare you but there's only a crying numberblocks name one with her teddy friend but at the ending they said we will fix you
Fnan sister location: the first thing that is something's happening when the elevator stops oh so when you get in here Funtime onedy Funtime fourxy circus ten zerllora are the same animatronics the vents are closed also shot them