Plants vs Zombies 2 : Rebooted

2 years ago

Some Things Finished for next update.



Next up

Yea so devloppement will be slower BUT THE GAME IS NOT CANCELLED.

Progress is very good for the next update , except to see the update soon. Maybe you can find a plant idea ? (A fanmade one or an already existing one). Tell me in the comments if you find one.

Timeless Teasers Time! This series of teasers is gonna be used to show new plants.

This design isn’t final.

Thanks @WowPowGuy for the idea.

You play Pvz ? You play RPGs ? Here is Pvz RPG ! A Game that combines Pvz and RPGs !

#Devlog #4 We made insane progress ! We added a Title Screen, A saving system, An inventory, Options, Savefile choosing, changed the game icon, a pressure plate, a door and a ton of new sprites ! We are currently working on a boss.

Beta 0.1.0 is out ! New Content [Read Article] :

v1.7.02 is out !

The first beta of Custom Levels Mod will be coming soon and will contain : - 3 Levels. - 2 New Plants. - A bonus level - Coins and a Shop feature. - 1 Coins Plant (a plant buyable in the shop for coins).

Alpha 0.0.6 is out ! New Content : - Garden - Day Map. - 1 New Level ( 3 Levels in Total , 2 Working Levels , Third isn't working that much ). - 2 New Zombies ( Builder Zombie and Flag Zombie ). Gamejolt Page Link : Enjoy !

Alpha 0.0.8 is out ! New Content : - Zombie Eating - Balance Changes - 2 New Levels - Sunflower Rebalanced - Added Windows Downloadable Version ! Enjoy !