I'm on a watcher duty 3: The invasion
2 years ago

Something I've planned next for this game and later games.

So... I planned a new mode for this game series which this mode is called "Custom mode". It'll be a mode where you can customize your own stuff such as set how many max amount of active anomalies you want before you lose and how long each in-game minute lasts and also a modifier to make the game easier or harder for you like "Fast report" where report will be much faster than before or "No warning" where you won't get a warning when the amount of active anomalies almost reach the max amount. There is more though but I rather keep it as a surprise. You can also still set the dificulty between normal and hard from there too which this will mostly affect the anomaly spawn timer and the intruder move and attack timer. I'm excited to work on this to be honest. Note that this update will only apply to the 2nd and 3rd game only since I longer have an open source of the 1st game so yeah. Also, about the scanner, it'll not be applied to the 2nd game. Sorry.




Next up

Testing the game over screen.

We did it I guess?

I have a bad feeling with my follower count.

Jumpscare test. What do you guys think?

“Why don’t you stay with me”. This is what happens if you try to leave the room while R-470 is still there.

Elevator testing

2 new monsters coming in the next update

Merry christmas from me and people from MD community.

Getting started

First character done. The Zombie. He wants to make sure that no one is in the house so he'll knock on the entrance door before entering. You have to go knock the door back to make him go away. If you don't, he'll enter your house and end you.