3 years ago

Something I want to bring up in the future for my main oc's angst story is that due to his immortally, he has lived for almost a thousand years.

(The rest of the aftermath future story is in article)

Zion watched hundreds of his friends and loved ones die for years, many people that've heard of Zion or "The last of our hope" saw him as spoiled and how he didn't worry about death at all. It was all a lie, Zion constantly thought about death and how he was never able to see his family once more. He tried to kill himself for many years but always lived, he then realized that his powers weren't a gift...they were a curse. So he left everyone, the relatives to his closest friends, he left people when many needed him at the time...And by the time he returned, no one remembered him. Zion then made a choice to himself, continue to hide as a fool or try to forget your grief and guilt that happened many, many years ago.

He then helped others once more, he began to forget the things that happened years ago. And as Zion helped the ones in need for years, his curse ended which then lead to his death...He was awaken to see no one around him in heaven. He was confused by not seeing his family, or siblings, he thought he did something wrong or that they didn't know that he was there yet so he waited...seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned to hours. Zion lost faith after waiting and sitting for weeks, Zion believed that no one cared about him because what he choose to do while hiding.

That all changed when he saw Tycer and Roya walking towards him, all he could do was run and yell with pure happiness. As he hugged his brother Roya shoves him off, he could never forget the words she said to him as they both began to walk off, "Stay the fuck away from him...We don't know you sir. So please go find your loved ones somewhere else..." Zion then began shouting at Roya telling her how he was Tycer's brother and how she knew him after what happened in Linebranch City. Roya and Tycer only ignored him and walked off to leave Zion alone once more, Zion then decided to search for Project and their kids. As he walked for what seemed to be hours he saw people running towards his direction, this made Zion think to himself ("This must be them if they're running towards me!?"). With Zion having his arms out, the people came closer and closer which made Zion begin to tear up by seeing Kai and Project and Gap chasing after each other. Zion smiled with pride and happiness to only see his partner and friends run right past him, Zion had nothing to say...He was enraged!? How did no one remember that it's him! Zion then falls to the ground he was standing on and began to heavily sob, He lost everyone...not even his brother or lover remembered him. He continued to cry as someone sits next to him, this made him stop and look at the person. Lyssa...She looked at him and gave him a weak smile before being grabbed by Zion and be tightly hugged by him. "I'm sorry I took long Lyssa! That stupid curse made me live for so damn long!? No one remembers me now!" Zion said as he sobbed into Lyssa's neck. All Lyssa could do was sigh and hug Zion back as tears ran down her face as well.

"I'm just happy I still remember you Zion...They all were waiting for so long. But still, At least you finally came home brother..." Lyssa said before they both closed their eyes and smiled.



Next up

Do anything for Cove...

Hey everyone! I know it’s been months, but! I’m officially back! I’ve been working on my stories and characters, I even have a new appearance of Zion! Our favorite character!

repost if jerry #jerry


[ comissions are currently OPEN ]

[ ALL prices are listed in ROBUX economy, $ does not mean dollar]

'sup mate.

please read all slides before comissioning !

if you got any questions, ask away.

Currently in Universal Studios (island of adventures)! It’s great!

1 down

7 or 6 to go idk i didnt count


New Story! New Story being made!

Everyone! I'd like you to meet Ziven Axis and Sirius Waller! Our two main characters of "The search of a lost voice"

These are some drawings I’ve done while I was gone, I hope you all like these drawings!

WARNING for blood n scars on second slide

New car js dropped🔥🔥

More characters for "The search of a lost voice"!

(In order) We have Vera P, Dima A, Elkon A, Caroline A, Gabriel P, and Raiden C!