4 months ago

Something sad about mr nes

[Song:A mad world without you mario madness]

Mr nes before being an evil ai he was goin to have hes own game with his own friends and brother just like mario but his creator george didnt like the idea and he decide to Scrap the game mr nes was forced to see how everything he love disappears his firends his brother...his home thevonly thing he have are memories but it doesnt feel the same now the void is hes home of what was full of life its empty



Next up

My favorite parts of EVERY mario mandess song (my opinion)

Stewie beating the shit out of brian but

Every punch(almost) its the bendy jumpscare sound

a draw i made in LibreSprite :D

Got it

Im gonna watch inside out 2 with my friends :D

After watching the movide(good btw) my friend little brother buy me this zombie plushie :D

My friend @shyguy27 made this amazing piece of art i would like for you to follow him thx ^u^

Gabi/chef tawka made this for me a long time ago i really hope that she's doing fine...


Some goofy doodles i made