Sonic GT
4 years ago



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Behold our new project! Here is Project Rascal a new 3D fast paced platformer!

Hey guys our new project is going to have a Kickstarter campaign February 6th of 2024! Follow us there to stay tunned!

Well, that's an impressive reasoning....

Hey guys our new project is going to have a Kickstarter campaign February 6th of 2024! Follow us there to stay tunned!

Smile! Here, take some happy pills! ✨💊 #Blender #3DModelling #3DArt Buy me a Ko-fi:

Finished a project I've been working on over the last few days!

Modeled and textured in Blender.

#3dart #lowpoly #npbr #fantasy #hut

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

"Our work is never over" they said.

The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark is out TODAY! 🖱️Advanced pointing, clicking action 🖨️Very funny words! Loads of them! 👻6 sarcastic, spectral cases to solve

If you have more of an acquired taste, the restaurants in Niravasi have you covered! Maybe skip the salad bar, though.