I made a quick sketch in the morning only to say my favorite game of a speedy blue hedgehog is this one, and after all I have not finished it by myself because I didn't understand how to pass the second stage of the first world and I ended broken my copy when I was like 8 (definitely not by biting it) so the game stops working in the level with giant frogs (I don't remember the name) and I had to watch gameplays to understand all so PLEASE SEGA MAKE A REMAKE OR I WILL USE FUNNY METHODS TO PLAY THE GAME AGAIN!!!



Next up

Louie about to throw a white pikmin to certain death (inspired by the artwork in the right).

Also I'm currently playing Pikmin 2 #GJAsks now give me my free stickers... please

Captain Olimar! 🚀

I tried to make a piece of pixel art. I liked how it turned out and decided to make a hama beads figure out of it.

A drawing of Pietro, because yes

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

Olimar & Pikmin

Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

The Espio is torturing the donut

(He's my favorite #SonicCharacter and I don't even know exactly why)

Luis frondante no existe, no puede hacerte daño.

Luis frondante:


Leafling Louie doesn't exist, he can't hurt you.

Leafling Louie:

Bulbmin doodle ❤️