Granny: The Mall

4 days ago

Soon, I will make a requirements video on my channel for V1.1




Next up

I hate errors...The AI is okay in this game (with actual decent working chase music and multiple enemies) but Granny's having some issues. I fixed most problems holding me from release, but i have one last bug to solve and gamemodes todo before release...

Leak 1/3 before i make a Release Trailer.

The Development of Gameplay is almost done, But there is a major bug i do need to fix otherwise people will not like how objects are detected and picked up... Please wish me luck on this. ~2 Leaks Remain...~

Concept i made, Don't expect any more of this anytime soon.

I'm more focused on the sequel at the moment, And my demo for Lonecry.

Weekly news:

- I have finished & revamped the Menu's UI at last

- I have done 2 new randomizing Game Overs & 2 finished endings, Along with a finished intro cutscene

- I haven't fixed any problems with the Enemies yet

- Interact tool is still broken

"Through ghostly halls and trains I'll ride... Nature reclaiming what's left behind."

Development Log Update:

- Working on Final Events & fixing last bugs with Gameplay


- Ending scene in development - Next is Enemy AI, Trophies, and more.

New progress with the game development:

- UI Transparency is now possible

- "Notes" can be found throughout the game

- Some new events made

- and some other fixes such as event triggers, explosions, and other weird issues.

This doesn't mean i am finished.

Work in Progress.

What's new in this devlog?

- I added some foliage around the lab after the cyro-sleep

- I added some other things in game no one would notice in a photo.

- Right now i'm working on the story's progression and fixing the ambient changes..

They're everywhere.

"It's just a few tripmines! How bad could this be?"

This game will have a very big map, compared to previous titles.

Along with many puzzles and enemies...Even an amazing Story and Plotline too!

Granny's entire family will be present, Each enemy serves as a different threat for different parts of the game.