4 years ago

sooo.... the game wont be made for a little time so we willl move to another community and dont worry! we will still be active here! d:

we will move but still be active! :D



Next up

u hav3 s0m?

my lil bro drew this :D i know its bad but ill just do the real sprite later

hey all da t3mmies did s0me 0f you achived this? i defeated myself and thats super weird

heya people while i was trying to stream i got this!

these are the views from my piggy vs adopt me post but....

hey tem did you achive this? i defeated myself and thats very weird

hey guys i defeated myself

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.
