4 years ago

soooo @LUKELCS made a amazing post about saving gamejolt (which you can view here https://gamejolt.com/p/ok-enough-is-enough-i-m-starting-a-new-campaign-to-savegamejolt-dapgjnmd) and i'm about to confess a mistake i made. (SPOILER: it has stuff to do with @LugiaGamer130)

so it starts of nice and simple: i make my shadow terrakion go to bed and one day later i wake up and i see a guy called @LugiaGamer130 made a comment. that comment was a simple gif entitled "stop it" me being confused by this thinking he was mad over that i was making so many shadow forms. so i replied "why? whats your problem? and moved on. a while later my friend shows up on steam. not having a gamejolt account yet (but is now known as @kreepiekreepy ) so i tell him "hey i got my first hate comment lol" and link him to it on gamejolt he checks out the profile and finds something....intresting going on. you see as a pinned post on his profile with a drawing of a dust! insanity sans drawing thingy. however what @kreepiekreepy noticed is that the "style" of his dust! insanity sans and his AU art had both changed. i made a post over it obivously. and a day later when i wake up one: nothing happened and two i got my responses. so @LugiaGamer130 said to me a bunch of proof that said his AU ART was safe. (thats all i remember at least) i believe looking back he said it was proof that it wasn't stolen by saying it was the only icon he could find on google. i believed this because it was the morning and i was tired but what i DIDN'T notice was that i asked on the dust! insanity sans if @LugiaGamer130 was stealing and here i was so dumb. i sure all of you remember that post i made three days after that right? that was just because of my friend @kreepiekreepy if he hadn't said ANYTHING over it @LugiaGamer130 wouldn't even be banned right now. anyway so AS SOON as i found out i took a screenshot for proof and made a post over it (which i would link but it brings back bad memories) so a while later everything seems to BLOW UP. i got more comments then i ever had before (which in this case is a bad thing) so then @skilledpixel makes a post showing his profile image was stolen and @Hero-Knight notices this and like i thought said "art theft is getting very old" i agree and still do with that post.

ok so i've just been rambling on over the events of what's been going on where are my mistakes? well here are #mylastmistake

1: i didn't find out about the art theif sooner. i made a full APLOGY post over suspecting @LugiaGamer130 if @kreepiekreepy hadn't said anything over this i wouldn't have him out at all and just let @LugiaGamer130 get away with it

and my other mistake was that i checked these responses when i was tired. so i didn't pay close attention. otherwise i wouldn't even NEED @kreepiekreepy to find out about it.

welp thats all i really have right now so ummmmm #savegamejolt



Next up

So around 2 years ago i made a psychic dragon regional dragonite form. Aaand it was awful! So i decided to redraw it entirely to look at least better than my previous drawing. Hope you like it! Second image is the old drawing.


I don't have time to make a new drawing as i'm very busy irl so here's a drawing that's probably my favourite drawing i ever made.

Redrawing a old drawing i made a year ago.

first image is the redraw and second image is the old drawing.

It's time to list my #FavoriteGame's!

Animal crossing is defintely a new favorite since i just got into it again but the rest i play pretty regularly.

I haven't posted anything in a while so here's a old drawing of Abomasnow I made a year ago but I don't think i posted before.

On of my favourite games on roblox right now is doodleworld. They recently added awakened doodles which is basically mega evolutions in pokemon. So i decided to make one for one of my favourite doodles. Here's awakened malotrick!

My friend wanted me to make a snow base for him. So i made this thing! Hope you like it!

Also don't mind the blocked off cave. He has the rod of harmony so he can still get there lol.

Oh hey I started drawing again. So here's a drawing of Malotrick from the roblox game Doodleworld. I hope you like it!

You can't tell me what to do!

I haven't drawn anything in a really long time so i thought i'd draw something basic like the root pack from cuphead to warm up a bit. Hope you like it!