5 months ago

sorry for not posting much. i'm currently working on multiple xmas artworks + school takes almost all my time


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Next up

Dess from Deltarune Au Missing Souls.

Samdoesarts art study days 3-4. Studying faces

Better late than never

1 year anniversary of PS!OUTERTALE - GALACTOVANIA

tem and allergic hair dye

I think I might've actually cooked here (SamStudy №6)

Finally found some time to draw and ofc I spend all that time studying samdoesarts =) Not my best work but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out

4 years on this website Even if I've been posting something for only 2 of them lol. Have this old picture (1 year old) that I've never posted here for some reason and have a good day everybody #spawnday

Asgore is such an underrated character we need more art of him fr fr

Ozymandias thumbnail remake. Tried experimenting with color. Link to the track in replies