Resident Evil RE(7)make
7 years ago

Sorry guys, the Beta is delayed

Hi everyone !
I’m really sorry to say that but the beta is delayed .
I faced some huge problem those days, like the fact that my appartment was flooded for exemple.
Fortunately my computer is still working, but I lost mouse and keyboard, PS4 controllers,WiiU controller….
So I ve to fixe my piping before working on the beta.
I ll try to add a video to show you how better is the beta.



Next up

EUROPA : Challenger Deep is finally released !!!!

Discover the many scecrets of the abyss of Europa, a Jupiter's moon in this 3D horror game !

Save the date : 01/29/23

New riddle with Forest

A new update is coming today for Resident Evil The Arklay Chronicles !

Stay Tuned :)

Our Knight Rider game is almost complete!!

Here are some images to celebrate this:)

Good luck to all for the final rush!!!

hey hey :)

What do you think about this line ?

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Resident evil, Resident Evil RE(7)make update 1.10 will be available today !!!! I hope you ll like it :)

New screenshots of my Resident Evil Parody : Resident Ridiculous. You can see Chris Roquefort exploring the Gruyere mansion.

New zombie model

Hey x I reworked the post process in order to make the atmosphere more anxious, what do you think about?