10 months ago

Sorry it's been a while huh anyway I've been digging and I found the box art of the bootleg port!






"I know you're somewhere Tom"



Next up

I apologize for the lack of posts but have this to fill in the gap meet "All-Seeing" the very first fnas exe created by yours truly i hope you all welcome him

His bio will come soon enough.....

(Art by Juan my buddy on discord)

When the timelines clash,,,.,,,

(Doodle by Ivan Green before anyone asks Gen.CD is a bit taller than main Genesis)

Behold my online persona yep i have horns cuz why not:3

Feel free to draw me or whatever imma drop this here cuz i already did on twitter:3

(Made by my wife Reg on discord:3)

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

"Have fun everyone! :)"

- All-Seeing

("All-Drippin" drawing by Juan on discord)


Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

Alr here's the few things im working on but haven't posted on gamejolt

Meet "Sonic&Feels.7z" an exe im doing that's based around a lost fan game if y'all have questions abt em feel free to ask below

(Art by Forgettio)

All-Seeing as a mouse,.,.,.,,.,.

(note this is a free fnf mod project so don't expect getting paid)