---Selfish.EXE--- | A Sonic creepypasta

2 months ago

Sorry knucles.



Next up


LOGO OF THE GAME BY @Bunnicula2011 !!

New game page coming soon!!

Also I'm changing the sprites of the game to modrn styled (modgen).

Except more leaks soon

Cya guys

Heya guys!! So as you can see, the game page is now published!

This means that now, I'll post the leaks here.

I'll also upload some images as leaks in the gamepage.

That's all for now, cya guys!


Little leak of the first level

Tbh I'll work on selfish.exe round two when I want

Same goes with this game, so this means that I'll be making the two games at the same time.

Anyways eh cya guys

Hi guys I wanted to tell that there's gonna be some romantic scenes in the game so uhhh yea (amy X sonic only)

Dont ask why I added that I was just out of ideas

Also @Bunnicula2011 joined the team she's the artist, thanks for her to join.

Anyways cya guys

Istg if there's another one I am gonna quit game jolt 😭😭

Also uhm pride month is starting in 2 days aaannnd I don't want to get bothered because of it.

Why? it's simple, I'm muslim, and muslims dont support lgbt members.

No this is not homophobia.

Now Cya

damn that's a lot-

I'll leak what I did tomorow, have a nice rest of your day guys

"This game was really fun, too bad that it's already over.

Let's play another of this game.

So, up for round 2 ?"