
5 days ago

Soundtrack is finished, go check it out

But that's not all

I don't know if it was obvious by now but I am so demotivated to keep working on this, so without leaving it like that I wanted soundtrack to be finished atleast. Ever since I started this project back in, like, 2021? When projects were made just to exist, guess this is one of them. My team has also moved on to other stuff which I respect and am proud of them, really.

On the bright side, I started an original project and am learning GameMaker Studio, with help of my good friend @_Marchewa , currently it's just two of us working on it but later on we'll form a bigger team


Thanks to all of you who supported this project to this day, it means a lot to me :)

Sometime later we will release story document. Until then, sweet dreams, DUSTTALE: REVENGE 💫




Next up

ACT 3 track "MY WORLD" was meant to be for Aranea's battle in LA JUPO VANIA, but when "IN THE NAME OF DAVID" was made, its purpose changed

it's my birthday today yay!

go check out what @prod_sknl made you will love it

beautiful little house

New Album Art! So joyous!

Well, guess Dealmaker is going through another design change.

* Shhh

Dealmaker's new design