Hey everyone!
With Valentine's Day being today.. okay maybe we're a bit late, but we finally put the soundtrack on YouTube! And SoundCloud? Never used it before, seems cool I guess.
YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE4o_No_Ct731t9pSY7TAAy7Ok5mBhbsb&si=dohITn9ujzMwB8md
There's only 3 songs in the game, and one of them is like 7 seconds long, but now you can listen to them while stealing sandwiches from the supermarket!
The Songs
First is "Arcader". It's a short tune for the arcade game title screen, I made it in less than 15 minutes, that's about it.
Then there's "Lost Love", but if you've played the game you're probably already sick of this one. Composed by our artist Happy, this one is actually good!
Lastly, "Calcium Attack"! This one is used in the Simon boss fight that only a few people ever reached. I don't blame you, the game is pretty dumb. Still a good boss fight theme though.
What's Next?
I'm 100% satisfied with version 2.1.0, so don't expect another update. Maybe after Lost Dreams we'll add something small, who knows. Speaking of, Lost Dreams is still in development, so follow it if you want to be there when it comes out.
Thanks for reading! And thanks for playing, to the ones that did.