Kidnapped At Freddy's

1 year ago

Soz for the lack of updates, It's still being worked on, You can expect a Beta build maybe in two weeks. (Dont fact check me)

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Next up

here's a look at the cut death scene from the teaser that i didn't finish

June 30th. (8 days away)

Next week I'll make a devlog of progress, But here's the current look at the office.

Been away for a bit. I come back. 0 bugs.

10 months ago i made a video showcasing a very early in development prototype video to a friend, here is that video, as it is most likely cancelled. (This is no longer in development) (Youtube:

KAF New Alpha Office Teaser. Still a work in progress

Everything you see is early development footage.

i want to thank everyone for contributing in making me rich!