I implemented a new network system (in my game Space War) based on variable length messages. This implies also that the game will only send messages when something change (e.g. player position...).
In v1.8.0 the game would send every info (position, health, is shooting...) each frame. Now this is no more the case.
Also, there were problems with client-server synchronization, now the game synchronizes client and server so they launch the mission exactly at the same time, even if there is latency.
Other new features:
Modified intro splash screen
Native resolution is now the one chosen by default
Added back buttons in a few menus so you can navigate with your mouse correctly
Enemy health animation improved.
Your public IP won't anymore show by default, you have to press F7 in the screate server menu to display it.
New "quake" animation when you kill an enemy, or when you are being damaged.
Texts displayed in game are now in a file "data/en.txt" (en for english). Maybe i'll add some new language files in the future.
Bug fixes:
Fixed a lot of bugs in networking!
Fixed bug where cursor would be displayed in level