2 years ago

Spaghetti Tower (Pizza Tower RP extended)


Playable chararacters:

@Sel499 /@Poley64 - Peppino

@DaRealMemeCentralLol - Gustavo

@BrazilianIShowSpeed - Brick


@NonsenseNH - Mr Stick

@tooyo1234 - Granny Pizza

Upcoming Playable character:

@Adonis_Stickman - Pepperman

@BonkersFace - The Vigilante

@TaeYai - The Noise

@The_Speed_Guy1991 - Snick

Other chars:

@X_From_Sonic_EXE - Mort

@Xander2907 - Pillar John/John Ghost

@WisdomTheFunkyBoi - Gerome

@Tsuraran - Noisette

@VictorCuddlesTheGuy476 - John E. Cheese

@ColtonDaCat and @elements126456 - Peddito and the Doise

@MinionAppleBanana , @Amalgama666 , @Regalito , @darkness_Protogen, @dogtroid - Toppin Monsters (Cheese, Mushroom, Sausage, Tomato and Pinapple)

@Da_Treino - Dougie Jones/Pizzard

@Radrioknight - Peshino

@Real_Saw_Yay_im_a_tool_bfb - Pizzamancer

@TheGoldenSuperior - Mr. Orange

@FUNNYEXE - Priest/Exorcist


@Adonis_Stickman - Pepperman

@BonkersFace - The Vigilante

@TaeYai - The Noise

@YvonXD - Fake Peppino

@ZaulBarraca - Pizzahead/Pizza Boy

@Boris-the-wolf-bear - Pizzaface


@ege7agr8hrg - Cheeseslime

@ZackAnimator - Forknight

@Frank_thy_Flower - Swedish Monkey

@Otus_Maximus_2 - Mini John

@magicanchor - Ninja Slice

@Tongkui - Pepperoni Goblin/Pepperoni Goblin Bat

@coolboiissupercool - Flying Anchovy

@YumiGaming_ - Weenie

@DrGolden - Pizza Slug

@goofyahhblueberry - Bad Rat

@Bijipl3r_ - Patroller

@Mr_Mysterious - Pencer

@SSO - Pizza Box Goblin/Cannon Pizza Goblin

@ausernamelmao - Peppibot

@Zezo_The_Dependable - Shrimp Thug

@ScaryBoi - Peasanto

@Never-Back/@Itsumi-Peppered - Eggplantmobile

@AxelTheSonicFan - Potato Farmer

@YourLocalFiveSider - Kentucky Kenny/Kentucky Bomber

@RickyDoesStuff - Fake Santa

@DeafPlayer - Greaseball

@Undying3215 - Ghost King

@LoisTheUser14353 - Mr. Pinch

@MemesFunny - Trash Pan

@FNaF_Master118 - Tribe Cheese

@AntonioDaviMarquesdeSouza - Pineacool

@DaRealFlexSentralLol - Pickle

@Soulzy__ - Noisey

@Xvonlol - Cardboard Tank

@Kholey69 - Pizza Soldier

@DaRealTestAlt - Clownmato

@Poncelucio (Tanner and Matie) - Ghostknight

@Kasandryx - Flying Patroller

SMGOo942 - Golf Demon

@Emmalar - Burger Golfer

@Braixen-official - Pizzice

@DaylenTvGaming - Snowman

@YourAvreageAnonymous - Spit Cheese

@ColRun1613 - Bandito Chicken

@AidenSucksAtLife - Gabaghoul

@Human_Mr - Treasure Chest Guy

@MaximusTheShoosh - U.F.Olive/Olive Trooper

@Thevancefromthefuture502 - Ranch Shooter

@Septic_Girl_Creates_210 - Noise Goblin

@Malrat_ - Eletric Potato

@jakey_boi - Mushroom Ghost

@BBBGaming - Hamkuff

@TheHasanGamer - Box Stamper

@TheMaskedChris - Big Cheese

@Captain_Galaxy - Giant Slime

@-Springboi- - Captain Pizza Goblin

@NoahReal - Piraneapple

@Killswitch_ - Grabbie Hand

Zaul's fake ver of me - Peppino Clone

Various GJ users - Other characters in Pizza Tower

1 comment


Next up

Guess these characters

Some update to it cuz ye

Guess the users and the country here they are as

I've done every single Pizza Tower enemies as females concept finally!

Guess those enemies in the comment if you know

New Panasonic washing machine leak

Also, heres the female enemies all collectively (note is that sizes here is not accurate to original, for some like Pizzice, Snowman, etc)

Bonus: Peppina Clone

Cant put Vacation Resort here cuz 5120x5120px, here Discord attachment: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1151796784302141520/130…

I did it!

I only finished 27 enemies as females so far

19 enemies left to get them finished for sure

Also you can guess those enemies if you know




I dont know what to post so yeah, have this