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Important Announcement — JAPARITALE Monthly Progress Report (June 2024)

toby fox but anafen çocuk

JAPARITALE v2.0.1 is released!

JAPARITALE v2.0.0 is Released!


The UnderEvent Teaser Trailer starts THIS Saturday!

Now, it's best for us to remind all of you that JAPARITALE isn't in the event this year for reasons, but new games are going to be shown in the actual event!


New Official Social Media Pages for JAPARITALE

Happy 100th Anniversary to the Republic of Turkey!

Today marks a very important anniversary for the country's history, where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk officially announced it to be a "republic". Forever.

Gray Wolf is proudly looking at the moon for this.

It's been 8 months without GameMaker

JAPARITALE v2.0.2 is Released!