12 days ago


So... What´s going on dudes? Everything all right?

three fucking years, wow.
is funny that after all this time im still here.

Yes I'm honest, this place for me would only be temporary, I would launch DNAF for everyone to play and I would retreat to the shadows, of course, I didn't count on something: I was something like a failure in making games and in 3D, look at the original posts on the Dnaf page and you will realize, but, that was my best mistake, I met people who I think are more than wonderful, of course, during the time I spend not all of them end up being so wonderful I must admit, but those who are still close or far from me. After all this time, they are still important to me, and you know what? I think it was even better, they motivated me to improve and be what I am today, I started with well-models to create halfway decent models, even at some point I got to talk to people who since my beginnings in Gamejolt idolized, Missing mat for example, which has become "My number 1 papu" or Fredinator (which, Well, he just followed me and we never spoke directly, but it still meant a lot to me, after all, he was one of my motivations when it came to starting to create fangames). And by far the best, the Coffeteam, a fangame development team (which is still alive, although it doesn't seem like it), the whole team has changed my life, and I think I'll make those thanks aside in a moment. you, followers who for some reason have decided to read this, thank you, some may just pass by without knowing me, others will say "Hey! he's the guy who almost doesn't post anything" and it's true, almost nothing, that doesn't mean I'm not working on things for you, I have big plans. In any case, thank you all for still following me and that, in the images I attached there is some progress (Very little) in things I have been working on, I hope more will come in the future, (I really hope). Thank you all for supporting me during this time, and for these 3 years, I love you.
@MissingMat Te amo hijo de puta, sos de las personas que más me han agradado en mi larga aventura, aunque no lo creas he aprendido cosas de ti, de cierta forma aprendí a ser más responsable, ser más organizado, y como ser en el internet, cosas que no me enseñaste directamente, pero viendote, hablandote aprendi mucho, gracias.
@ToxicSpidy Te respeto mucho bro, se que con los estudios tienes una vida complicada, y aun asi, tu me enseñaste bases de programacion en clickteam, bases que me sirvieron mucho, y sin dudarlo, fuiste la mejor adiccion que tuvo el coffeteam despues de creado, te quiero capo.
@Soyalguien12 Cheems, te quiero weon, sea donde sea que estes solo quiero que sepas que te quiero, eras la parte más optimista del equipo, eras divertido, y uno de los artistas más capos que jamas vere, hiciste los conceptos mas hermosos que e visto, me has hecho reir, eres un capo, te adoro weon.
@Cheeleton capo, lo mismo que cheems, creo que eres de los pocos que puedo considerar como un hermano, un hermano menor, me pedido ayuda, e escuchado, y tu tambien me has ayudado, indirecta o directamente, no solo eso, te e visto crecer de cierta forma, estoy orgulloso de quien eres ahora weon, debajo de toda la capa de bromas que te tiro, estoy orgulloso weon, sigue asi.
@MiguelMelenas La demostracion viva para mi que no importa como lo hagas, puedes crear algo hermoso, debo admitirlo bro, la primera vez que vi LTDC quede boquiabierto, ¿Quién podria crear un fangame de fnaf en scratch? Y tú fuieste la respuesta, por eso mismo te admire mucho, (no quiero que lo tomes como ofensa, es solo que scratch nunca lo considere como una plataforma muy buena, pero cambiaste mi vista) y no solo eso, miguel, eres la persona mas basada que e conocido, al igual que todos me has ayudado mucho, no solo en aspectos de trabajo, pero a mejorar mi persona, gracias, hermano, se te aprecia.
Thank you all for all that you have gave me, and sorry for so littel.
Gracias por todo, y lo siento por tan poco, de verdad que lo siento por tomar tanto sin dar nada



Next up

Working on some stuff while i hear this song https://youtu.be/5_QwMRE-BKc?si=7XXozAMgQhtVSw7y tally hall is awesome. and i think i will play: When the lights go dim

It's your room

POPGOES Evergreen - Blake the Badger wallpaper (4K)

Spiderman 3

Say Cheese!!!

so, i was playing the fredbear and friends: left to rot (The final test) and this littel fella show himself in the window, so, can somebody tell who tf is that? i don't remember anyone talking about this shadow springbonnie before

the what

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

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Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Whaaaat thaaaat heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell