First, login to the game using your username and Gamejolt token. After registering do the things I have mentioned.Some trophies do not work properly (bugs)
1. 1st custard: collect your first custard and you will get the starting badge.
2. Basic maps: The other badges are simple. First, find the monster in the map. Then follow the direction where he/she or they are going but remember to always keep sight of them or it will be hard to find them again and sometimes they change direction of where they are going. If they go to a custard, they will camp there and will NOT move. so make them aggressive against you and do a loop and collect the custard. after that, run as far as you can but keep sight of them. and after they lose their aggressiveness, start following them again and vice versa.
3. The Rickroll badge: You can find Rick Astley some where in the mainland mountains, then go near him and open gamejolt to see if you got the badge.
4. All custards badge: Put custards to maximum (25) and do the thing you did with the other maps.
MUST READ- some strategies may not work because some maps are too small. The secret lair, Training maze and The possessed school are too small. The dream trophy cannot be unlocked due to a bug.
This is what I have to say about the game and hope this will help you as well!