Speeder is starved but as metal soinc.
After Eggman fixed metal sonic In soinc 4 Episode metal Metal soinc was Different. Eggman asked what happened to metal sonic But after metal sonic heard him metal sonic jumped in Eggman head.

After metal sonic jumped in Eggman's head he went out of the Mad Gear Zone and seed soinc and tails Flying with the tornado. After metal sonic saw the tornado metal sonic have the idea of making metal Carrier. After Metal Sonic finished making the Metal Carrier, metal soinc chased soinc and tails with Eggman.

Eggman and Sonic tried to crash into the tornado and Sonic crashed into Eggman and Eggman left. Metal sonic appears with the metal Carrier but the tornado was too fast that metal soinc lost sight of soinc and tails but Eggman appeared again and actually crashed in the tornado.After Eggman crashed into the tornado, the tornado exploded. Talis died but soinc Fell to the ground but didn't die. After this event Sonic will have his revenge...
Thanks for reading this Creepypasta!
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