7 months ago

Speedrun vs Slowturtle

Other drawings/doodles starts in third image

Gonna use that second blam image



Next up

Drawings for projects and fanarts

CNiC [Cloudy Night in Curse] All characters

Still in progress


Third one is the player if he was an Creature, in my opnion this is the coolest OC of the year

OC Name: Lerftry

Update: its from a new fangame

Happy 10th, Flumpty.

Blam Jumpscare

He transcends into infinity and space, he says. He says he will never die in oil.

Happy late garlectines day

Lov yaull heres a old drawing

Droshy and Lerftry

Lerftry [Sec one] its lookin kinda bad so i gonna remake it sometime or some day

UPDATE: Remaked it and the third one is the old one

Haven't really thought about anything special so- happy bday to the egg man from the tomato man!

Random Drawing and the Second to Fifth are for a new ONaF fangame

[Cloudy Night in Curse]