10 months ago
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Shoutouts to @Applestar233
Image source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fumofumo/comments/183bv0t/funny_images_…
I can't hide my emotions anymore I'm sorry Suggestive art is just too much for me (NSFW is way worse but still)
(Also no nobody drew that yet)
i swolled shampoo
Kind of a bummer that there aren't any comments on my Gianna fanart (it also didn't get featured so that's a double bummer)
But not everything can be asked for I guess :shrug:
(2nd image is not related by the way)
do not
Sorry about what happened 6 hours ago (or more)
Bro is NOT helping 💀
Okay I know it's not Christmas yet but
Here's the Christmas gifts I've got