Sonic Relations

2 years ago

|~| Spread this information if possible, please! It would be great if sonic fans from other countries could play Sonic Relations too! |~|
The novel requires people to edit the foreign text in the game! Contact me for details or leave a comment.



Next up

Sonic Relations - early version of the main menu!

Torn to oblivion!

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Sonic is so cute

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

Some screenshots from the 0.1.5 version of Sonic Relations!

Snapshots from the patch for version 0.1.4!

How are the people waiting for Sonic Relations doing? Are you still here?--

quick pixels 2 - sonic the hedgehog

: Aseprite

Some screens from version 0.1.4!