Hey everyone! The roster is finally finished with preparation and polishing! As for the development, the mechanics will start being created with the discussion to those who are participating in.
A question that has been around my head is, should I post a few mechanics as time goes by? Because as much as I like to reveal the mechanics, I did have to deal with arguments concerning of what is “hard” or “unfair.” Remember guys, you need to consider what has to be added or restricted in order for mechanics to be balanced and challenging. If you are going to call off things that are consider to be “too far” or “unfair”, then I would like to see how you would make mechanics challenging and “fair.”
To give a bigger picture, I will update an image in the gallery to show progression. You can expect to see that 2% means one character. This will likely be the longest loading screen even longer than Ultimate Custom Night and Sonic 06’s.
So stay tuned, and have a nice day!