Purple Illuminy was the Murderer!?
1 year ago

Status Update 1 (Achievements, Bossrush and plans for this week)

My life

Yesterday i got sick, it's not life-threatening but it slows down everything quite a bit due to my nose leaking worse the fnaf movie.



There are currently 42 achievements (can't bother of checking rn), every one of them represents an enemy in the game, if you thought this was bad enough for completists you won't be able to define how evil the next paragraph is.



This is where you select the difficulty, if hard mode is not beaten the difficulty level will only reach the fourth level. functionality-wise this screen is ripped out straight from a Kirby game-


AND I THOUGHT ADDING A SECOND CHARACTER TO THE STORY MODE WAS HARD, HOW FOOLISH... EVERY LOCK IS A CHARACTER THAT WORKS DIFFERENTLY FROM THE OTHERS, THIS IS MY HELL. Let's put that aside, i can rant at the end of this post, now, we're going to dive a bit deeper into the bossrush character system:


Main - This is the character you will play as
Help - This is the character that will support you during your run, every character has a special effect for being selected as Help.

You can only select a maximum of two characters. There's no limit when it comes to combinations, i hope this will give you enough room to experiment and have fun.


Beating a bossrush will grant you 0- blood, which can be used to unlock characters, this hasn't been coded in yet because i'm still making the last seven playable characters.

Plans for this week and so on...

I'm hoping to finish adding in all characters before the weekend so i can code the actual bossrush, that won't take a lot of time. If everything goes right at the end of this week the bossrush will be complete! Now, i'll end this post with a fatal blow for the already wounded completionists, if you thought 42 achievements were a lot too bad because EVERY CHARACTER IN THE BOSSRUSH IS GETTING A TROPHY, WE'RE REACHING 63 ACHIEVEMENTS.



Next up


Posting at 4AM in my timezone like a game dev would do!!! Here's some older art, NEKO MANE FUMO!!!

As of waking up I'll probably forget everything, now I'm really going to sleep byeee.

Funfact: I previously made a mistake by swapping the color of her eyes, I wouldn't've noticed if it wasn't for @Not_DARK_GAMER_ , thank youu!

Status update 2 (Small reveal, progress of last week, what's next)

Today is PIwtM's first anniversary! Here's an update on the project's status

Sharing some never seen content, vid is of an old Golnik rework. There's also this (the Lunar Wars expansion that never made it).

oh boi

Holy shiiit I fell and hurt my right ankle, now it hurts sooo much, I'm questioning my life choices rn. BTW it doesn't feel like anything broke so it's fine ig??

2.0.0 Peppe Edition More info by Sunday

TODAY'S MY SPAWNDAY I TOTALLY FORGOT I woke up with a headache, I was going back to sleep