Where is Joann?

5 years ago

Still a lot to do but progress is being made on Labyrinth-2!



Next up

Designed a shirt for an upcoming convention @ #Coastcon42 If you like it, you can get one too! Just click here:ā€¦ Devy_

There will be no flashlight pistol in the final version...

There will only be flashlights and pistols.

Released my latest simple prototype,

"Other World / Jim and the Raptors"

I'm doing prototyping these days. I can't escape the allure of the chunky pixels. So, this is how it's going.

#prototyping #chunkypixels

Game will be down for bug fixes for a while. Stay tuned... Devy_

Embracing our #retro side. New thumbnail.

Why is this game $3?

Some thoughts on marketing...

I gave the raptors chainsaws...

#platformer #horror #raptors #3DPlatformer

These letters aren't entirely up to date at the moment. Will be later. -You CAN use the dagger when shrunk. Typo! -"How would find me...", Yeah, that's not right. Typo! -These key locations are not accurate. #owningIt