Woke up, only for my mom to make me take out the trash in puptopia. I always tell her how dangerous Puptopia is, but she just thinks I'm just using an excuse to just stay inside, but Puptopia literally had over 300 kills just last month. I went out to the trash can, only to see it's overfilling. Worse, the garbage truck didn't even come, so now I have nothing to do. I just put the garbage bag next to it, then went back inside. Once I opened the door, my mom went straight up to me, and told me to stop being lazy, but couldn't she see the stupid garbage can? It's stupid. She decided to ground me for a day, just for doing the only thing I could do. Honestly, I just wish I could have a dad. He'd be a lot better than my mom.
Next up
Day 1 of Apollo hunting
I'm going to try and find a way to keep stringless, mainly stitches alive, other than making a game #KeepStitchesAlive #Stitches4Smash
I made StringLess characters in 1 minute
Since when was this game on steam (Read Article)
This all started from discord lol
...well, here we are...