Erithian Tale 2: Runary Legends
9 years ago

Stock Trader Hiyo!

Just letting you all know about a game currently being worked on by Sapigames in collaberation with us at Button Glutton!


This isn’t a strategy jrpg like our usual titles, instead, it’s more of a mini-game. Where you gather info on stocks, spread that info to negatively/positively influence the price and value of certain stocks, then buy and sell stocks accordingly to become the richest monster in monster land!

And soon…the world!

More info on Stock Trader Hiyo coming soon.

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i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

Just a Pico sprite

"Day to Day" (also check spud out here he's a great guy and writer:

brung back my old oc plus a new one

...they don`t have names yet tho

Made my first ever animation.

not the greatest house, but it's a house! :D

Here's a Fredbear sprite i made in Aseprite! I'm pretty proud of this!

(Btw, sorry for the double post! I'll try to post less)