4 months ago

Students of the Silverback Master

Alright, whilst I'm free for the week, I guess I can make some more posts. But after this I'll be gone for 2 weeks, alright!

Anways, more Fruppet lore! I actually may or may have not been working on an entire universe for Fruppet, which you may have guessed from the last post with the Saiyans.

More recent lore for the boi is his training under a great master known as Muten Crusher after a tournament. During said tournament and during his training, he meets Gulak, the guy in the picture above. They're like a Krillin and Goku situation cause they ended up fighting each other in the tournament but became the best of friends rather quickly.

Fruppet did also meet a moth girl called Tani, but I'm not even gonna TRY and draw a female cause I'll butcher it big time. Just know that they met a lil' bit before the tournament and have pretty much been friends since.

This supposed Universe 14 is shaping up to be quite the universe. And yes, that is meant to be a play on the 12 universes thing from DBZ. This is just a reality where Zeno didn't erase 6 of the original 18 universes.



Next up

I went damn hard with this art, like god damn. I did forget to make Kirbious all battle torn but GOD DAMN I COOKED.

the f*ck happened here

bone man

(Happy Anniversary Undertale)

"I will not show you any mercy, not until I RIP OUT YOUR THROAT!"

My boy Cooler got into Sparking Zero, so yall get two artpieces today (and like post 50 million, sorry for being post heavy today!)

Woah! Definitely not a repost of yesterdays artwork but now with Cooler's tail cause of the Fan Art Friday Contest. Nooo.


So, yall wanna know about a FNF Mod Idea I had?

Woops, I dropped this covenient picture of a certain type of yoshi that is not actually a yoshi but is a representation of someone as a yoshi as a spoiler.

How clumsy of me.

Eto bleh

For those who don't have discord (or haven't used it often), WwwWario, NumberOneJenny and jeb_yoshi will be hosting another FNaW Direct! To celebrate the announcement, I decided to make some art for the event!

A lot has happened these past two days, I found out Cooler got into Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, the FNaW Direct was announced, I found out Taste Gaming played TWO of my freaking games. TWO!

A lot. I even finally cleaned up my youtube page.

Life is Good :)