Hi, developers, we are Blustery Games, and we are working in Verdungeon!
We have been developing this game for a few months, and we have never thought about how and when to start our devlog… So it’s now or never!
We should start by describing our game and our goals: We would define Verdungeon as a table turn-based game, but faster;

We wanted to add some dungeon crawler concepts to the traditional boardgames, making them bigger and faster, and also reduce our core mechanic to 3 dices.

So we started deciding and writing down all the ideas we had, polishing the artstyle and designing the procedural concept we wanted.
We had the visuals (shaders, models, textures …) time ago, but the scripting of the procedural generation took us some extra work to have it done and polished, but now we are in that point, mixing all the parts together to have one demo build to show in expos and contests.
This entry was just an introduction to our game, we will keep posting, deepening more in technical aspects of our game (we have cool stuff on the oven).
If you like the idea and want to know more, just follow us on twitter or leave a comment if you want to know about some specific aspect.