Summoner Quest v 3.0.0 is now available for download. Below you can see the update notes.

Maximum level raised to 50.
Many monsters can now evolve.
Improved battle speed and animation.
Improved Player vs Player battles.
Added many new ways to earn Gems.
Added “Level Sync” option to PvP challenges.
Added “Bounty” challenges. Defeating monsters in these challenges will reward you with Items, Exp and Gems
Added 2 new Events.
Increased frequency of “Bonus Challenges” and the amount of gems they reward.
You now have a chance of obtaining Gems when completing a quest zone. You will always get a gem when clearing a zone for the first time.
New Worlds have been added.
New Battle Skills were added.
New Battle Traits were added.
New Items Were added.
Added a “Daily Egg” feature. Rewards you 1 random monster egg everyday you log in.
Monsters now automatically guard when replacing a fallen ally.
Monsters will now guard when tagging in, if no tags were used the previous turn.
HUD and various menus were updated.