25 days ago

Sure, can't wait to see what represents me

Credit to @THE_INK-DEMON for making this thing in the first place

They are pretty cool ^^



Next up

Finally, my laptop is working again

Noice 👌

Har Har Har Har Har, Har Har Har Har Har

Ello I'm back :D

Also my exam went well and I also did a drawing in art class, but I accidentally left it at school ;-; so instead here is a drawing that wasn't made by me, it was a gift from one of my friends for me :)

Hope you're all doing well


The Freddy's to Return/j

You know how I'm a lesbian right?

I have to admit this

I'm very lesbian a lot of the time

Around x10

Sorry that this is extremely weird, I just like being like this and being random too :3

Morning/evening everyone

Also today (or tomorrow for some) it is double 6 day


Just thought it be fun to say :3

Cute little bean :3

So small yet adorable ^w^

Got this from @Lizzy_Zebra who got it from somebody else

I'm now gonna get to work on making a withered foxy vector now ^^

Five Nights at Freddy's 2 - Withered Foxy vector

Now this was unexpected