Hello there! I'm Neon-Gr33n, leader/director of Team Grit, and programmer or QA Tester several projects, find the full list here: https://neongr33n.carrd.co/ (It's a decent amount!!)
I'm currently working on a smaller scale project called "SWAPPED MYTH" (compared to Gritfell, which has a pretty large scale that we've only cut back slightly with good reason) it (of course) is an Underswap take, inspired by such things as
Mother 3
Sonic Adventure
Golden Sun
Touhou Project
TSR!OUTERSWAP: Orbit of Destiny
Undertale: Yellow
Undertale (of course)
Nightmare on Elm Street
Papyrus w/sans: Shadowfell Saga
Inverted Fate
Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
MegaMan: Zero 2
SWAPPED MYTH is an Underswap take being created by Neon-Gr33n, the leader and director of Team Grit (@team-grit-official) drawing loose inspiration from such notable sources as UNDERTALE/DELTARUNE (obviously), Inverted Fate, TS!Underswap, Undertale Yellow, JevilswapAll tracks uploaded here are a part of this AU and their respective creators will be credited
Role swap list:
- Frisk - Chara
- Echo - Flowey
- Toriel - Asgore
- Dummy - Mad Dummy
- Napstablook - Mettaton (Happstageist)
- Sans - Papyrus
- Annoying Dog/Toby - Temmie
- Grillby - Muffet
- Snowdin Shopkeeper - Gerson
- Monster Kid - Asriel
- Undyne - Alphys
- Riverperson - Gaster
Area swap list:
- Ruins/New Home - Waterfall
- Snowdin - Hotland
Area names??:
Lucent Caverns (Ruins - Waterfall)
Radiant Garden (Original)
Sollis Vallis (Snowdin - Hotland)
Ceres Gorge (Waterfall - Ruins)
Boreal Plateau (Hotland - Snowdin)
Boreal Slums (MTT Resort - Snowdin)
The CRUX (CORE replacement)
It's very early in the concept stages rn, having only recently begin actual script writing (for dialogue and such, while the majority of the areas are currently at least outlined [subject to change*] ) and some visual assets have been created by me, between the logo and some sprites for the overworld + portraits, but anyways, as you saw in the title, we're currently looking for help with this, if you can do character sprite animations, complex environmental assets (such as tilesets or particle effects), music, writing, level design, concept art or are familiar with GameMaker and would like to assist as a programmer, please feel free to reach out to me! either through comments here, or through Discord, my username there is neongr33n
Disclaimer: This is unpaid work for a free-to-play passion project
Thank you for reading, and understanding! Stay determined ^^
- Neon-Gr33n
(pssst, hey, got some of the soundtrack up! check it here!!)