4 years ago

T-T I’m having a art block can’t find any inspiration! T-Tand idk what to draw! Normally I draw what I feel like but idk what to draw!! T^T ( help!)

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Next up

More random number generator oc! Bailey is in the third image because this is her cousin. Don’t question it. Now I need a name for her too.

2 YEARS MAN WTF I FORGOT 💀💀 uhh I never post here anymore but Mayo._.Miyo is my Instagram if you wanna still see my art. Only if you’re interested. I’m not exactly quitting but I’m not gonna be on often here.

minecraft frog

#digitalart #fanart

Re-redesign I might make her humanize version I dunno yet. I'm deciding on what to name her

Me creating a fanon on character?? Pfft.. I would never. | Anyways… this is Marietta and I adore her 👉👈 | I don’t have a backstory for her, other than maybe the cat part is from a curse or failed spell | fandom is dungeon meshi :)

More paper art. They are so cute! Maybe it’s the eyes. I don’t normally draw round and big eyes. It was a nice change.

I got a hair cut. No more emo side swipe! I look like fucking Dora QwQ my hair is really the messy. UwU I wear hair clips. A lot of them.


A sketch after playing Overwatch Comp :] This game is my therapy...

I got new art stuff OwO