3 years ago
take a break from all of the cringe you saw, doods
eyedrops, cringe-only amnestics, eye bleach, so on, all you need to be feeling fine again after the cringe-seeing session
also a firearm and melee weapon armory which contains every single weapon existing
Next up
game, dood
little squeaker, dood
let's just try that out, dood one like is 0.30102999566398119521373889472449^10^34 dissapointment in me
Kill me please
Frick no
mention some dood in the comments that you want to suffer the same fate as this smiley
if possible, spoiler any sexual attempts, doods
PN Mickey: You See This Leafy X Bubble Image Below Me Jake?
petition for sunky e to be called the schwa, doods
like to sign it
that aside definitely a neccessary repost